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Florian Holzapfel教授,德国慕尼黑工业大学(Technische Universität München)飞行系统动力学研究所所长,是该校历史上取得教授职位最年轻的学者。Holzapfel教授是美国凯时KB88学会(AIAA)高级会士、AIAA导航制导与控制技术委员会委员、德意志凯时KB88学会(DGLR)理事及其飞行控制与导航委员会主席、DGLR与AIAA联系代表。Holzapfel教授在有人和无人飞行器控制、轨迹优化、传感器技术、数据融合、导航、建模、仿真和参数估计等多个方面进行了长期、深入的研究,在国际GNC领域享有很高的学术声誉。

报告主题1:Converting a General Aviation Aircraft to a Fly-by-Wire Testbed

报告主题2:Predictive Safety for Flight Operations

时间:9月23日(周二),14:00 – 16:00



1. Converting a General Aviation Aircraft to a Fly-by-Wire Testbed

At companies, research institutions and universities, many new and interesting research projects are pursued in the field of Guidance, Navigation and Control as well as in aircraft systems, system architecture, avionics and safety critical systems. Thanks to the availability of massive computing power at low prices, many validation steps can nowadays be performed by simulation.

However – to find out if something is really fit to fly and also to demonstrate the potential of new technologies to customers, authorities or the interested public, the thing that really counts is flight testing.

One of the problems of flight testing is that traditionally – especially when access to the flight controls is required – the process becomes very expensive and slow.

Therefore the idea was to convert an affordable, yet capable general aviation aircraft into a flying testbed for research in the field of GNC:

Apart from affordability, one of the main objectives is to shorten the development cycle from an idea to a flight test. That puts some important focus on safety – it must be ensured that the impact of any experimental system can easily and immediately be attenuated if safety is at stake. Therefore, the main challenge in developing such a flying testbed is the safety concept which is required to safely, reliably and quickly decouple any experimental equipment from flight critical elements, particularly the flight control system, before it can do any harm to the aircraft.

The presentation will highlight the project at the Institute of Flight System Dynamics of Technische Universität München that focuses on converting a Diamond DA-42 MNG aircraft into an affordable research testbed for investigations not only limited to the GNC and avionics domains.

2. Predictive Safety for Flight Operations

HOW SAFE IS MY AIRLINE? – Predictive Safety

With its requirement to establish safety management systems, ICAO has pushed airlines to move from a reactive to a more proactive and increasingly predictive safety culture.

But what does predictive mean? – It is all about identifying trends and threats and develop appropriate strategies and countermeasures before things go wrong.

Having started in 2008 in a cooperation with Lufthansa and now also supported by IATA, the TUM Institute of Flight System Dynamics has pioneered an innovative approach that allows you to derive incident probabilities within the specific flight operations of an individual airlines from data recorded in incident free operation.

With the probabilities of accidents being already quite small and thus not directly measurable, an adequate knowledge on the current safety level within an airline is crucial if safety is to be further increased.

The lecture will present TUM-FSD’s approach to predict incident probabilities in an evidence driven manner, identify key influencing factors and assess the effectiveness of countermeasures.



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