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      2014年11月17日-18日,中国凯时KB88与英国帝国理工学院在凯时KB88新主楼会议中心共同举“2014 Green Aviation Symposium”和“2014 International Conference on Cleaner Energy and Environment”。
      “2014 Green Aviation Symposium”将邀请空客、波音、赛峰、中航工业、中航商飞、中国石化、国内外高校和政府部门的重要代表参会,共同探讨、分享未来绿色航空领域如何显著降低对环境影响及其所面临的能源短缺的重大挑战。英国帝国理工学院已经成功举办两届“Green Aviation”国际会议。2014 Green Aviation国际会议由中国凯时KB88承办,将继续探讨绿色航空全球性挑战问题。
      “2014 International Conference on Cleaner Energy and Environment”是学术性会议,旨在为国内外研究者提供共同探讨清洁能源利用问题和展示研究成果的交流平台。主题包括:(1)绿色航空;(2)替代燃料;(3)可再生能源;(4)分布式能源。优秀论文将推荐到Journal of Energy Chemistry (SCI)或Journal of Environment Science (SCI)杂志出版。
      2014 Green Aviation Symposium
      VENUE: Lecture Hall 2, Conference Centre, New Main Building,BUAA
      Monday Moring, November 17, 2014
      8:30-9:00 Opening Ceremony
      9:00-9:30 Invited Lecture 1: Co-innovation for green aviation -- Prof. Jinpeng Huai, President of Beihang University
      9:30-10:00 Invited Lecture 2: Boeing’s R&D Efforts in Support of Sustainable Aviation Industry Development in   China -- Dr. Dong Yang Wu, Vice President, Boeing Research & Technology- China, BOEING
      10:00-10:30 Morning Refreshment Break
      10:30-11:00 Invited Lecture 3: Interdisciplinary Design Optimization Technology Accepting Challenge of Advanced Green Aviation Aeroengine Design – Prof. Zeyong Yin, Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chief Designer, AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co. LTD
      11:00-11:30 Invited Lecture 4: Safran Eco Design -- Francis Couillard, Director of Environmental Policy, SAFRAN
      11:30-12:00 Invited Lecture 5: Overview of Green Aviation Research at Imperial College -- Paul Robinson, Director of Green Aviation, Dept. of Aeronautics, IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON
      Monday Afternoon, November 17, 2014
      14:00-14:30 Invited Lecture 6: Biofuel Certification Airworthiness in China -- Chaoqun Xu Director General, Engine Certification Center, CAAC
      14:30-15:00 Invited Lecture 7: Sustainable aviation fuels: the Airbus approach -- Frederic EYCHENNE, New Energies Programme Manager, AIRBUS
      15:00-15:30 Invited Lecture 8: Engine Safety Evaluation and Airworthiness Technologies for aviation fuel -- Prof. Xiaoyi Yang, Vice Dean of School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University
      15:30-16:00 Afternoon refreshment break
      16:00-16:30 Invited Lecture 9: Virtual Simulation in Beijing Aeronautical Science and Technology Research Institute – Dr. Shuhong Xu, Beijing Aeronautical Science & Technology Research Institute, COMAC
      16:30-17:00 Invited Lecture 10: From Clean Sky to Clean Sky 2 – A success story will be continued -- Helmut Schwarze, Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, Smart Fixed Wing ITD Project Officer, CLEAN SKY / CLEAN SKY 2
      2014 International Conference on Cleaner Energy and Environment
      VENUE: Lecture Hall 2, Conference Centre, New Main Building,BUAA
      Tuesday Moring, November 18, 2014
      8:30-8:45 Opening Ceremony
      8:45-9:15 Invited Lecture 1: Air Pollution - Chemistry & Physics Beijing, London & Los Angles: A Historical Perspective -- Prof. Michael R. Hoffmann, Caltech, USA, Academician, National Academy of Engineering, USA
      9:15-9:45 Invited Lecture 2: Computational modeling for lighter, safer aircraft structures -- Prof. Ferri Aliabadi, Head of Aeronautics Dept., IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON
      9:45-10:15 Invited Lecture 3: Combustion Simulation with Particular Reference to Green Aviation -- Prof. Yao Zheng, Zhejiang University
      10:15-10:45 Morning Refreshment Break
      10:45-11:15 Invited Lecture 4: First-principle calculation and morphology tuning of photo-functional materials -- Prof. Junying Zhang, School of Physics and Nuclear Energy Engineering, Beihang University
      11:15-11:45 Invited Lecture 5: Ignition, flame propagation and chemical kinetics of engine fuels – Prof. Erjiang Hu, Xi’an Jiaotong University
      Technical Sessions
      Tuesday Afternoon, 14:00-17:30, November 18, 2014
      Session A: Global Solution for Green Aviation
      VENUE: Lecture Hall 2, Conference Centre, New Main Building
      Session B: Renewable Energy
      VENUE: Meeting room 3, Conference Centre, New Main Building
      Session C: Distributed Energy
      VENUE: Meeting room 4, Conference Centre, New Main Building
      Session D: Youngest Academic
      VENUE: Meeting room 5, Conference Centre, New Main Building

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